WL call: Process of 'Initialisation de PAGE_Envoi_Mail (serveur)' (PAGE_Envoi_Mail), line 2 'HReadFirst' function, syntax 0 What happened? native PostgreSQL access error. Error Number = 22 The following error was returned by the <localhost> database: Error number = <0>. Error message: FATAL: authentification par mot de passe échouée pour l'utilisateur « merinos » Error code: 73001 Level: fatal error WD55 error code: 3001 Module: 'wd260hf.dll (01F260101d - 26.0.313.5) Debugging information: IEWDPSQL=101.13 Module=<WDPSQL> Version=<> Client layer: C:\WEBDEV 26\LIBPQ.DLL Provider: WinDevPostgreSQL User: merinos Data source: localhost Database: merinosetudes Connection timeout: 30 Command timeout: 30 Unicode supported: 1 Page code of WL: 1252 Page code of the connection: UTF-8 Fonction (7,10) Additional information: EIT_INFOCLIENT : <13.0.4> EIT_NATIVECODE : <22> EIT_LOGICALTABLENAME : <tparametrage> EIT_PILEWL : Initialisation de PAGE_Envoi_Mail (serveur) (PAGE_Envoi_Mail), line 2 EIT_DATEHEURE : 10/12/2024 21:57:59 EIT_TYPE_WDFILE : <65538> EIT_IDCODE : <851996>